6 Questions to Define Your Version of Success
We’ve all heard the typical “version” of what success looks like. The fancy job, make lots of money, buy the beautiful house. And consciously or not, we tend to hold our own success to these benchmarks.
While these achievements may be fulfilling to some, not everyone is going to or want to fit into this life plan. Trying to live up to society's versions of success, may leave you feeling unfulfilled in the long term.
When have you felt most proud of yourself?
Maybe success, to you, means launching a brand and turning it into an empire, or launching the next big social media agency. It could look like quietly building a business from home or being able to make your own schedule to be both a present parent and a thriving professional.
For some, it’s the freedom to travel the world and be a digital no-mad, while others are most fulfilled when they are mastering their skill and becoming the go-to expert in their niche.
The best part is that we have the right to change our mind and evolve what success looks like. You might find out that a certain lifestyle or achievement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. And then you’ll be able to define your version even more!
If you’re having a hard time defining your own version of success, we’ve put together some questions so you can do some deep thinking about what success means to you. We recommend answering these questions on paper rather than in your head; it will force you to think more deeply about your answers.
What are some definitions of success that others have ingrained inside of you? Try to be as specific as possible – are there certain people like parents or friends, who have made you feel that in order to be successful, you need to follow a certain path?
Read that version of success out loud, how does it make you feel? Is it a path you're interested in deep down?
What would happen if you didn’t follow that path of success? Where would you be? Would you be happy? How much money would you have?
Now, think about the last time you felt successful, accomplished, and beaming with pride. What were you doing? How can you add more of that to your life?
What is YOUR dream? Try to hush the voices that are trying to convince you that their version of success is your dream. You may have to dig deep, what would make you feel accomplished if you could do it everyday?
How will you feel when you accomplish your version of success? Imagine the moment and describe it in detail.
Once you’re all finished, we recommend checking out our post, The Power of Visualization: Achieving your Business Goals, which will set you on a path toward accomplishing your goals.
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